Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Song Choice

In deciding what song of the indie rock genre we wanted to make our music video on, I wrote a list of indie rock songs I feel it would be good to make a music video on and sent it to both Rian and Olivia on Twitter.
The songs on the list were:
The 1975 - Heart Out
The 1975 - She Way Out
Ed Sheeran - Nina
The Wombats - Schumacher the Champagne
Ed Sheeran - I'm a Mess
Ed Sheeran - U.N.I.
Tired Pony - Dead American Writers
The Fray - You Found Me

When our group brainstormed what song to choose, we decided to do Heart Out by The 1975 as we think the song tells an interesting story about a boy who is in love with a bad girl that we believe would be good to create our music video around and soundtrack our professional and well-made final product.

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