Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Music Video Analysis - "What I Go To School For" by Busted

As part of the research that I need to conduct for our music video production assignment, we have been  looking at the different types and lengths of shots used in music videos. As a result, our class have been tasked with a preliminary task - to make a shot-for-shot remake of the first 90 seconds of the music video for the hit song "What I Go To School For" by Busted. For this preliminary task, I have counted the different amount of shots used in the first 90 seconds of the music video and have found out that that the shot number is approximately between 38-42 shots. As a result, I have a clear understanding of the shots needed to be used, giving me an advantage in the recreation of the music video for the preliminary task.

As the music video can't be found on YouTube, here is a link to it on MUZU.TV:

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