Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Introduction to my Blog

In our introductory lesson of Year 13 Media Studies today, we found out that our assignment would be to create a music video which is to be completed over the course of the year. The music video itself will be to an already published song but we aim to create a final product that matches the creativity, professionalism and interest of a real music video.

The music video will be part of a promotion package for an album release, which will also contain two of the following three options:
-a website homepage for the band.
-a digipak for the album's release.
-a magazine advertisement for the digipak.

In order to accomplish this assignment, we will have to work and complete tasks within a group so the final product can be an accurate and professional representation of a real music video. My group consists of 4 members - Sam Shaw, Callum Birchall, Elliot Robson, and myself. The reason that we all chose to work together on this assignment is that we all have mutual respect for each other and listen to each others ideas, meaning it would be easier to create a high quality music video with everyone's point of view getting across. Another advantage would be that we all have an understanding of the work that goes into a real music video, with myself having knowledge in acting and directing; Sam, Callum, and Elliot all having an understanding of the musical side; and all of us having an understanding of camera work and scripting. As a result, we all have professionalism in each aspect we can bring to the music video, giving us an advantage in gaining a high quality finished final product.

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