Saturday, 10 January 2015

Addressing Shaun's departure from the band

A problem arose with our fictional band  that we as a group had to sort out. The rhythm guitarist in our band 'The Secret Nothings', Shaun Hough, mutually decided to leave his real band 'The Spares', featuring the other members of our real band. This was incredibly problematic for our group as Shaun already featured in the video but would not be able to feature in the photo shoot for our digipak. As a result, we worked as a group, asking for Shaun's permission, and made up a backstory in our fake band that Shaun had been involved in a minor accident that would affect his performance so he would not be seen with the band whilst he recovered, putting it on our band's Twitter account afterwards. As a result, we have managed to move around the problem without our final product being negatively affected, as well as adding realism to our fake band in the process. Below are the tweets that we released explaining Shaun's temporary departure from the band:

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