Friday, 10 October 2014

The Start of our Storyboard

In today's lesson, our group sat down and began to brainstorm ideas for our music video - effectively beginning our first storyboard.

Whilst we have only focused on the first 26 seconds of the music video, our group has already managed to agree on the importance of the narrative, performance and mix of in the music video. We have decided to film the performance in colour, and the narrative in black and white, and we already have locations for both the performance (Heebie Jeebies) and the narrative (Bold Street). As a result, that gives us the opportunity to decide and experiment with shot ideas, such as close-ups on both the band and actors, and different angled shots.

As well as this, we have come up with many shots that mirror the lyrics of the song perfectly - such as having our protagonist run through Bold Street to "rushing in a small town". All of our group got ideas across, and we all listened to and communicated our ideas to each other respectfully and positively. For the rest of the week, we will be focusing on finishing our storyboard and making it the best that it possibly can be

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