Tuesday, 25 November 2014

The Beginning of Editing

Today in class, we began to edit our video. The software that we used to edit was iMovie, a software that I found was quite hard to use but I feel that with practice and time, my skills at using it will improve. Whilst all of us found the editing process a minor struggle at the beginning, Rian was definitely the strongest editor in the group, adapting very quickly to the software.
As we still need to reshoot some footage, we have left certain spaces blank that we have edited our video so far around, with us simply filling in the blanks when the footage is reshot soon.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Filming Session #4

Today, myself, my group-mates Rian and Olivia, and our lead actors Callum and Ellie, shot the majority of shots that we needed to complete the video - leaving us with just 5% left to shoot. The location used was my room, which we made look as messy and unclean as possible.

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Filming Session #3

Today, myself, my group-mates Rian and Olivia, and our lead actor Callum finished filming the outdoor shots featuring Callum by himself. This means that we have filmed a good 80% of our video, and our nearing completion. Locations filmed at were Ribble Park, the Subway tunnel near Maghull Square and a bus stop on Moss Lane.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Filming Session #2

Today, myself, my group-mates Rian and Olivia, the musicians playing our band "The Secret Nothings" (Dean, James, Adam, Shaun H and Shaun P), and our saxophonist John shot all musical performance shots needed for our video. The location that this footage was shot on was the assembly stage at our sixth form on an inset day, meaning that there were no other pupils on site. This meant that we would not get hassled whilst shooting our video. Whilst there were originally some technical problems, these problems were overcome very quickly and the rest of the filming ran smoothly, with the entire band following our directions well.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Solving our Location Change

After we found out that we could not use our first choice location of Heebies Jeebies, a club in town, due to scheduling conflicts, my team and I brainstormed to come up with another location. We eventually came to the agreement to ask permission from our head of year and the school technician if we could use the school stage, which we believe could look professional if we rearrange it. Additionally, we solved costume and prop issues, such as my friend Kieran allowing us to use his saxophone for the saxophone solo in our song. Down below is the conversation that we had to discuss these changes:

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Filming Session #1

Today, myself, my group-mates Rian and Olivia, and our lead actor Callum, began filming our music video after a troubled start in our production. We ended up shooting the majority of outdoor shots needed featuring Callum needed in the video, with filming taking place in our town at Brook Road and the Summerhill bridge. Enclosed below is a picture of our lead actor Callum cycling to location and myself using the camera that we are using for filming.